Manuel Pardo - The Solstice Of Manuel Pardo
The Highline Loft - NYC, NY

Luis Cruz Azaceta - Shifting States
Arthur Roger Gallery - New Orleans, LA

Manuel Pardo - Stardust
Begovich Gallery (California State University, Fullerton) - Fullerton, CA

Luis Cruz Azaceta - Self Portraits: Watercolors and Drawings 1977 - 1981
Geroge Adams Gallery - NYC, NY

Manuel Pardo at MiArt (International Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art) 2008
MiArt - Milan, Italy
Click here to read more about MiArt 2008

Manuel Pardo at the Blythswood Estate
Swampscott, MA


Manuel Pardo - Valentine Window

Segundo Planes
Galería Casa Colón - Cologne, Germany

Segundo Planes
GE Galería - Monterey, Mexico